Adhara Space Station Story
By P. Candice Goddard
“Are those sausages for sale?” Ade-Kazam asked noticing a pair
of twins, a small Faunian boy and girl with a basket of sausages held
between them as they stood innocently in the entrance hall of the
Lesser Chapel of I-AM.
“Yes” The children said in union, smiling. Hardly missing a
beat the little girl took a price placard seeming out of nowhere and
held it up for the man to see. The sign read, ‘GOURMET SAUSAGES 5
ZODIACS EACH’. “How many would you like?” the girl asked.
Hardly missing a beat the little girl took a price placard seeming out of nowhere and held it up for the man to see. |
“Give me one,” Ade-Kazam said pulling a five zodiac notes from
his wallet and handing it to the little girl who passed him a sausage
wrapped in paper in exchange. “Enjoy” she said smiling and at
this her brother smiled too.
“Thank you,” Ade-Kadam replied dismissively as he made his way
into the chapel. The funeral service was due to get underway in a few
Ade-Kazam took a bite of his sausage as he looked around trying to
find a familiar face in the sea of mourners. Like himself and the
late Malanie Jones, most of the people in attendance were from Thoth
but he wasn’t on particularly close terms with any one that he
could see so far. He was just about to slip into a pew at the back of
the chapel when he heard a voice calling him. “Ade, over here.”
Ade-Kazam took a bite of his sausage as he looked around trying to find a familiar face in the sea of mourners. |
Looking around Ade-Kazam saw his friend Morgana waving at him from
a pew near the front. She was beckoning him over to join her and
their mutual friend Greta. Ade-kazam took another bite of his sausage
and made his way over to his friends.
“I can't believe that she's gone,” Greta said with a sniffle
as she took a bite of the sausage she was half way through.
“Do you know how it happened?” Ade-Kazam asked. “I tried to
find out, but all I’ve been able to discover is that there was some
sort of accident.”
Morgana took a deep breath and inhaling slowly she said, “It was
a fire. Malania’s house burned down.” Malania had been her cousin
so Morgana had a little more access to information about the cause of
death than the others. Still there were some questions that she
herself didn't have the answers to.
Ade-Kazam and Greta looked at each other in surprise. They had
both travelled to Adhara for the funeral. Neither could afford to
live aboard the luxurious space station so how was it possible that
someone who could afford to live there, albeit in the cheapest
residential zone, had been allowed to burn to death in their house?
“I think it was because of that…” Morgana replied giving her
friends a knowing look. “She was obviously targeted. Do you really
believe that it’s possible for a house to burn down on this space
station? Even if it really was possible, you’ve both visited
Malania’s house, did you notice anything about it?”
Greta shrugged, the house had seemed quite ordinary when she had
last visited, she couldn’t think of what Morgana was getting at.
Morgana sighed, “Malania’s house was deep inside the forest
near The Black Hotel. I went to the site when I arrived yesterday. I
just had to see the place where my cousin died.”
Ade-Kazam rolled his eyes and took another bite of his sausage. To
him it seemed more likely that the real reason why Morgana had gone
to have a look at the house was that she was due to inherit. Morgana
had been Malania’s only family and her slight wealth had always
been a source of antagonism between the two cousins. He found it hard
to believe that Morgana was so distraught at her cousin’s death
that she had rushed over to mourn at the place where she had died.
She was envious of her cousin because even though she worked for the
Alliance and should have been the richer of the two her cousin still
had more money than her having inherited their family’s wealth.
“When I arrived at the house, the place had been razed to the
ground but the trees just a few feet away from her door were
untouched,” Morgana continued, apparently oblivious to her friend’s
eye rolling. “It simply shouldn’t have been possible.”
“I can't believe that she's gone,” Greta said with a sniffle as she took a bite of the sausage she was half way through. |
Greta looked at Morgana with a puzzled expression on her face, “So
what do you think happened?” she asked before popping the last of
her sausage into her mouth.
Morgana leaned closer and beckoned for the other two to do the
same. When she was sure that they wouldn’t be overheard she
whispered, “I think she died because of the cause.” It seemed as
if there was something else Morgana wasn’t mentioning but when she
didn’t say any more Greta and even Ade-Kazam looked at her
fearfully. Now that Morgana had mentioned the cause, Malania’s
accidental death seemed more sinister.
The cause Morgana was referring to was the efforts of a small
group of Thothians including themselves, to effect enormous social
change within the Alliance by having the Reaper’s Rule repealed.
The reaper’s rule was a decision made by Queen Atropos I of Styx,
two thousand years previously which prevented the death of any
individual under the age of twenty-one. The rule wasn’t a legally
binding Alliance law but rather a rule that the reapers from the
asteroid Styx were forced to obey causing actual immortality for
anyone under the age of twenty-one years old.
Malania had been the secret financial backer for most of the
action taken by the Association for the Liberation of Life group of
which all three were members. They had repetitively campaigned for
the rule to be repealed by the current queen of Styx, Atropos II.
claiming that the law went against the wishes of I-Am and was also
cruel and unusual. After all whilst youths under 21 couldn’t die
they could still suffer pain from injury and illness.
The A.L.O.L. had presented themselves as altruistic but in reality
their motives were selfish. They wanted children to be able to die so
that they could eat them. The Thothians were after all a race of
sorcerers and witches who had practiced blood sacrifice and ritual
cannibalism dozens of centuries in the distant past before joining
the Alliance. There were some on Thoth who wanted to go back to the
old ways and Malania had been one of them.
“I don’t think anyone could have found out,” Ade-Kazam
insisted, carefully making sure not to mention anything
incriminating. “Malania is the one who taught us that secrecy was
essen…” Ade-Kazam stopped abruptly as a noise told him that
someone was sitting in the pew behind him. Looking around he saw that
it was the Fauntian twins who had been selling sausages at the
entrance to the temple.
“Did you like your sausage?” The little girl asked smiling at
Ade-Kazam. Beside her, her brother was also smiling innocently.
Ade-Kazam held up the remnants of his sausage, “Yes, it was very
nice,” he replied, forcing a smile. There was something about the
way that the Faunian twins were looking at him that made Ade-Kazam
“Oh, that’s good.” The little girl said smiling even wider.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
Nodding, Ade-Kazam turned back to face his friends. He was just
about to say something when a bell chimed notifying the assembled
people that the funeral service was about to begin. Shuffling in his
seat Ade-Kazam quickly popped the last bit of sausage into his mouth
and forgot the sinister feeling that had just started to wash over
The funeral of Malania Jones was short and bleak. There were few
mourners and the mystery of her death lingered over the service as
the priest droned on about life in The Valley. All too soon the
service was over, with the few remnants of Malania being taken away
to be turned into a memorial jewel that Morgana would be presented
with the next day.
As Ade-Kazam, Greta and Morgana slowly made their way out of the
temple, Ade-Kazam noticed the Faunian twins were also leaving. For
the first time he questioned why the children were at the funeral
instead of at school and why they weren’t accompanied by an adult.
When he had first seen them at the entrance of the temple, Ade-Kazam
hadn’t paid much attention to the appearance of the children. He
had simply dismissed them as street vendors and thought no more about
it until he turned around and found them seated behind them at the
Now that he paid attention to their attire, Ade-Kazam was even
more puzzled than before. The children were wearing the school
uniform of the premier school on the space station, Adhara Academy.
That meant that they must came from one of the most powerful or
wealthy families in the Alliance, so why had they been selling
gourmet sausages outside of the Lesser Chapel of I-Am?
Ade-Kazam was pondering these things when he came to an abrupt
stop. The entrance of the Chapel was blocked by a squad of security
officers. At the head of them stood Captain Roxzamora Thanyu, a short
Bim woman whose diminutive stature belied her enormous strength.
Captain Roxzamora, head of Adhara Security was the strongest being in
the Alliance and she was looking directly at him with the penetrating
gaze of a true predator.
At the head of them stood Captain Roxzamora Thanyu, a short Bim woman whose diminutive stature belied her enormous strength. |
Ade-Kazam swallowed hard, looking at Greta and Morgana who were
beside him. Their faces displayed the same terrified expression. The
Association of the Liberation of Life’s sinister scheme had been
discovered. They were about to be arrested. Without thinking
Ade-Kazam took an involuntary step backwards. He looked around
desperately seeking some way to escape but on every side he saw
security officers closing in. Finally Ade-Kazam gave up and prepared
to be taken into custody.
As if reading his mind Captain Thanyu stepped forward with a look
of grim determination on her face. “Axel und Adele, by the law of
Alliance I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of Malania
Jones,” she said looking at the pair of twins in front of her.
Ade-Kazam’s jaw dropped open and for the second time that day he
took a step backwards as he looked in horror at the twins in front of
him. They were so tiny and innocent looking, how could they possibly
have murdered Malania.
The twins looked at each other and Ade-Kazam saw a sinister smile
flicker across their cherub faces. “You will never take us alive!”
they exclaimed and breaking apart they dashed in different directions
each trying to get away.
Afterwards Ade-Kazam could never be sure of what he had seen
happen next. One minute he was watching in a daze as the twins were
dashing through pews at the back of the church, the next they were
back in the central aisle being held by Roxy. The captain had moved
so fast that Ade-Kazam had blinked and apparently missed it. Perhaps
it was because he was still reeling from the accusation that his
friend had been murdered by the seemingly innocent children.
“No! It was self defence!” the little boy, whose name was Axel
insisted straining to free his shoulder from Roxy’s iron grasp.
“What do you mean?” Roxy asked releasing her grip on the
children. By now the door to the Chapel had been closed and the other
security officers had spread out equidistant to each other so that
there was no possible escape route should the children try to run
“The witch was trying to eat us,” Adele explained quickly
cutting in before her brother could speak again.
Ade-Kazam nearly fainted on the spot when a murmur went up from
the few other mourners who had attended the funeral. They were mostly
from Thoth and many were aware of the real motives behind the ALOL’s
activism. When he had first seen the security officers at the
Chapel, he had believed that he and his friends were about to be
arrested but when it appeared that the officers were there for other
reasons he had started to relax despite his surprise at the terrible
revelation that Malania’s death hadn’t been merely a terrible
accident. Now his neck was about to be back on the chopping block.
“That’s nonsense,” Morgana snapped with perfect disdain.
“Why would my cousin try to eat you? How could she? Children are
virtually immortal!”
For a second Ade-Kazam thought that he saw a smirk pass across
Captain Thanyu face as she looked at Morgana but when he glanced in
her direction again the Captain’s expression was one of curiosity.
“Why would you think that, Adele? Ms Jones couldn’t eat you,
after all children are immortal,” the Captain confirmed. There was
something about the way that she spoke that sent a shiver down
Ade-Kazam’s spine and he felt his throat tightening. He silently
hoped that Morgana would let the matter go. After all even she must
see by now that this was a trap. Why had Captain Thanyu chosen to
arrest the murderous children at the funeral of their victims? Why
hadn’t they been taken into custody before?
“You horrible children killed my cousin and burned down her
house.” Morgana screeched taking a step forward. “Now you dare to
make up lies about her?”
“No, we are telling the truth!” Axel replied angrily pulling a
book from the basket in which the sausages had been held. “Look
Roxy, this is proof that the witch wanted to eat us. She wrote
recipes for children in here.”
Captain Roxzamora took the thick notebook from the little boy’s hand... |
Morgana’s mouth snapped shut and she didn’t say another word.
As Ade-Kazam took a peek at Greta he knew that she was just as
surprised as himself. After all of Malania’s insistence’s about
the need for secrecy was it possible that she had really had a book
of recipes for children?
Captain Roxzamora took the thick notebook from the little boy’s
hand and flicked though the pages, her expression darkening as she
read. When she was finished she looked up and her gaze landed right
on Ade-Kazam’s face. “It seems that the Alliance for the
Liberation of Life was only a cover for some kind of Thothian child
eater organisation,” Roxy said grimly. “Ms Jones wrote a list of
the members, and the activities they had taken to ensure that the
Reaper’s Rule would be abolished.”
Another murmur went up from the crowd and all around him Ade-Kazam
heard the shuffling of feet. Malania had been one of a select few
people who were allowed to know the identities of all of the members
of their group. Several of the other mourners at the funeral must be
members that he knew nothing about. Now he knew why the Captain had
chosen to arrest the children here. It was all a ploy to get as many
of them in one go as possible. She had used the funeral to conduct a
sting. Even though he knew that there was no way to escape Ade-Kazam
couldn’t help looking around helplessly. All around him the
security guards were closing in on people he had never imagined were
part of his group whilst the few who clearly weren’t looked on with
righteous indignation and disgust.
“I’m afraid that we’ll have to take you all to HQ for
questioning,” Captain Thanyu informed them almost apologetically as
she maintained the facade that this hadn’t been a trap. “Bring
them all!” she ordered and with that she turned and began to walk
Ade-Kazam felt a pair of strong hands grip him by the arm and he
was muscled towards the now open entrance of the Chapel by a Ogian
security officer. Ade-Kazam was powerless to resist as the giant
pulled him along but taking one last look back he saw something that
made his blood run cold. Morgana was standing to the side talking to
Captain Roxzamora. She wasn’t under arrest and it was clear that
the two knew each other. Ade-Kazam could come to only one conclusion.
She was a snitch. Ade-Kazam thought over what he knew about Malania
and Morgana’s relationship. They had been cousin’s and Malania
had been the wealthier of the two. Morgana had always been envious of
her cousin’s wealth and ability to live on Adhara Space Station. He
had never considered it before but Morgana worked for the Alliance. How could she be involved with an organisation likes theirs? If her involvement was ever found out she would lose not only her career but her life. Was it possible that she had only pretended to be involved to gather evidence against them? When Morgana had stated that she visited the site of the death he had assumed that she went thee survey her new property but if it had been burned down what would the point of that be? She must have gone there for some other reason? Perhaps looking for evidence of her cousin's crimes.
Greta had broken free of her capturers and was rushing towards Morgana |
Just as this thought was filtering into Ade-Kazam’s mind he saw
a surge of energy explode from Greta who was being led out alongside
him. Greta was a silent but deadly person, not saying a word,
appearing to be almost timid but quietly brooding. She must have come
to the same conclusion as him upon seeing Morgana with the Captain
and the betrayal had pushed her over the edge. One minute Greta had
broken free of her capturers and was rushing towards Morgana in a
swirl of energy, the next minute a meaty thud brought the episode to
an abrupt end.
Greta’s broken corpse slid off the wall where she had been
thrown by a flick of Captain Thanyu’s wrist. Ade-Kazam felt his bowels threatening to loosen as he saw Captan
Thanyu’s glare directed at him. All pretence of innocence gone and
annoyance clear on her face. She looked as if she was waiting for him
to try something. Ade-Kazam held down his head making sure to avoid
the Captain’s eyes. He didn’t know what the future held but he
wasn’t willing to bring his life to a close being swatted against
the wall like a fly.
“Did you like the sausages?” A voice asked from just outside
of the chapel. Looking into the bright daylight of the street lit by
Adhara’s artificial sun, Ade-Kazam wasn’t sure who was speaking
but it sounded like one of the killer children. He didn’t reply. He
just wanted to get to the safety of a prison cell as soon as
“Did you like the sausage?” the voice asked again this time a
little more insistently. “You ate it all. You must have liked it.
Did you like it? Tell us. Did you like the sausage?” A variation of
the question was repeated over and over again in quick succession as
both children spoke at the same time.
“Yes I liked it. So what if I did?” Ade-Kazam snapped when he
could stand it no more.
A joyful chuckling was heard and then one of the children said,
“Good! I’m glad you liked your friend.”
Ade-Kazam wasn’t sure that he understood what he had heard but
he didn’t care. He had come to Adhara to mourn a friend, seen
another die and been betrayed by the third. Now he was on his way to
prison. The ramblings of two children who would probably get away
with murder by claiming self defence didn’t matter or so he thought
until he heard what they said next.
Ha ha! |
“You wanted to eat
children but instead you ate an old lady. Why do you think only her
bones were left? Ha ha! The sausages were made from your evil friend. So, did you like the sausage?
“WHAT?!” Ade-Kazam screamed in disgust and anger as he was dragged out into the
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